David Wayne Hagler – The Economy’s Lifeblood

David Wayne Hagler was born and raised in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and he still lives there. He attended Elkins High School, where he played first base on the school’s varsity baseball team. He was also on its varsity golf squad.

David Wayne Hagler

David Wayne Hagler

It was during his high school years that David Wayne Hagler first decided that he would like a career in marketing. “I had a Social Studies teacher who ran a small business out of his home,” David Wayne Hagler recalls. “And he used to talk about it a lot. It was an Internet business – it probably still is.” This teacher, Mr. Atkinson, taught a section on business one semester and referred to small, independent businesses as the lifeblood of the American economy. “Right then I decided that I wanted to have some kind of business of my own.”

His focus on marketing also came out of the business section taught by Mr. Atkinson. David Wayne Hagler remembers his old Social Studies teacher commenting that the goal of marketing is to match the products or services of a company to its intended customers. “He said that was a way of making sure the company was profitable.”

After completing high school David Wayne Hagler enrolled as a business major at the University of Arkansas. He took the standard curriculum but remained interested primarily in marketing. The business program was divided into two parts: a business core, which provided him with the basic knowledge in all areas of business, and a major area of study, which in his case was marketing. In addition to marketing he studied finance, management and management information systems, supply chain management, and business economics. He received his Bachelor’s degree in 2006.

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